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Walk to School Day Spring 2023!
We had SO MUCH FUN this past week at our Spring 'Walk to School Together' event with Jake Ottoson - State Farm Agent! Thank you to all of our amazing families, students, and Chamblee Police Department for joining in the fun! - PTA
Mar. 12-Daylight Saving begins
Mar. 16-Panoply of the Arts (Band & Strings concert)
Mar. 17-St. Patrick's Day
Apr. 3-7-Spring break; School closed
Apr. 17-GA Milestones testing begins
Apr. 29-Run for The Hills and Spring Festival
May 1-5-Staff Appreciation Week
May 5-Carrero Day
May 10 & 11-Matilida Musical Performance
May 12-Field Day
May 17-PreK/KK Awards Celebration
May 18-Class end of Year Parties at @1pm
May 18-Grades 1-4 Awards Celebration
May 22-5th grade Awards Celebration
May 23-Last day of School
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